The Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA) submits this letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in response to notice of available Draft Guidance for Future NPDES Permitting of… Read More »
Final Comment Letter – Proposed Maui Guidance 12-23-2023
ACWA appreciates that EPA has drafted a guidance document that reinforces support for the Supreme Court created list of seven factors that could be considered when determining whether a discharge… Read More »
ACWA 319 Statement for the Record – 1/17
ACWA’s statement for the Senate EPW Committee Hearing on the Nonpoint Source Management Program Under the CWA highlighting states’ perspectives.
EPA Proposed Rule: Updating Regulations on Water Quality Certification
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published for public comment a proposed rule providing updates and clarifications to the substantive and procedural requirements for water quality certification under Clean Water Act… Read More »
Office of Water Policy for Draft Documents
On August 6, 2019, the Office of Water issued a policy for managing draft documents. EPA often issues guidance and policy documents related to the national program. In some cases,… Read More »
ACOE Memo on Assumable Waters
Memo clarifying the waters the Corps will retain for permitting under section 404(g):
1. Waters that are jurisdictional under Sec. 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 provided that
a. Retained waters include tidal waters shoreward to their mean high water mark, or mean higher high water mark on the west coast, and
b. retained waters to not include those waters that qualify as “navigable” solely because they were “used in the past” to transport interstate or foreign commerce; and
2. wetlands adjacent to waters retained above, landward to an administrative boundary agreed upon by the state or tribe and the Corps.
3. For ease of implementation and to provide transparency the Corps will use the existing RHA section 10 lists of waters as a starting point, which could be amended by the Corps as appropriate consistent with applicable regulations and case law.
2018 ACWA Priorities
The new ACWA FY2018-FY2022 Strategic Plan calls on ACWA to periodically determine its priorities in each of the following areas: Clean Water Act policy, grants and funding, partnerships and collaboration, management of the association, other matters as appropriate, requires the identification of association priorities on an annual basis.
ACWA 2018 Farm Bill Priorities
ACWA Comments on WOTUS for EPA Federalism Outreach
Comment letter from ACWA to EPA, developed by ACWA’s Waters of the United States Working Group, discussing state perspectives on a potential rulemaking redefining “Waters of the United States” to… Read More »
Priorities for State Water Quality Programs in the New Administration
ACWA urges the Trump Transition team to consider opportunities & needs to ensure that water quality programs continue to improve the nation’s water quality.
EPA Water Regulations, Guidance and Policy Chart
ACWA provides a summary of key EPA water regulations, guidance and policy documents with key dates and outcomes.
Water Infrastructure Improvement for the Nation Act: Summary and Relevant Sections
A summary of the parts of the Water Infrastructure Improvement for the Nation Act that are relevant to states.