Julia Anastasio, Esq.
Executive Director & General Counsel

Julia Anastasio joined the Association of Clean Water Administrators in May 2014 as the new Executive Director and General Counsel. Ms. Anastasio has 18 years of experience in government law and policy. In the early 2000s she worked for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and for the last 9 years she has worked with the America Public Works Association (APWA). With APWA, she focused on environmental, sustainability and infrastructure development at the local, state and federal levels and has extensive experience in with federal advocacy and administrative law before Congress and the Executive branch agencies. She is passionate about the role of state government in in developing and implementing national water policy and looks forward to working with ACWA’s membership.
Ms. Anastasio earned her B.A. from Franklin Marshall College, her Masters in Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School, and her J.D. from American University.
Favorite body of water: Susquehanna River
Email: janastasio@acwa-us.org
Phone: 202-756-0600
Sean Rolland, Esq.
Deputy Director
Sean Rolland is the Deputy Director and provides direct support to the Executive Director and the ACWA Board of Directors. He also supports several ACWA Committees and Workgroups, serving as a liaison to managers and staff at the federal agencies. Sean drafts letters, position statements, and testimony to be presented to Congress and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Having worked with the Association for almost 20 years, his duties also include grants management, budget development, vendor negotiations, and contract review. He also keeps the membership informed on CWA related proposed guidance, regulations, legislation, and recent case law. Sean initially joined ACWA in 2002 as a Legal & Policy Analyst. He has a law degree from Stetson University College of Law and has undergraduate degrees in both Marine Biology and Environmental Studies from Stockton University. Sean works remotely from Orlando, Florida.
Favorite body of water: Tampa Bay
Email: srolland@acwa-us.org
Phone: 202-455-9000
Annette Ivey
Director of Operations

Annette Ivey joined the staff of ACWA in April 2007, as Fiscal and HR manager with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Business Administration from Strayer University, and a certificate of Administrative Management from USDA. Annette brings over 20 years experience in business operations including finance and budget management, human resource management, public and grant administration and nonprofit and for profit accounting, along with association meeting planning and membership development. She has worked on and managed several grant related projects for Women, Law and Development International and Child and Family Services ( FACES Project), and the District of Columbia state grant adult basic education program. She also has experience working with membership based organizations such as American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, where she worked cross departmental with meetings, exhibits, publications and accounting departments. Annette has coordinated several single audits including, A-133 single audits and numerous regularly occurring general audits, and is a member of Society of Human Resource Professionals and the Solomon IV (accounting) user group. With all of Annette’s work experiences, it is her volunteer experience after the Katrina storm, volunteering with Serve DC she feels is one of her best contributions.
Favorite body of water: Potomac River
Email: aivey@acwa-us.org
Phone: 202-756-0602
Jasper Hobbs
Environmental Program Manager
Jasper Hobbs joined ACWA in July 2019 as an Environmental Program Manager. He manages the associations work in the following subject areas: Assessment & 305(b)/303(d) Reporting, TMDL Development & Implementation, 319/NPS Program, Modeling Workgroup, Workforce Development, and Wetlands. Jasper comes to ACWA with an M.S in geology from Kansas State University and a B.A. in earth science from Boston University. He previously worked for the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission in their water quality division, and as an adjunct professor of environmental science at Bunker Hill Community College.
Favorite body of water: Crater Lake
Email: jhobbs@acwa-us.org
Phone: 202-368-5940
Ward Scott
Environmental Program Manager
Ward Scott joined ACWA in August 2023 as an Environmental Program Manager. He manages ACWA’s work in Nutrients Policy, Nonpoint Sources, Climate Change, Legal Affairs, and issues surrounding CWA Section 401, CWA Section 404, as well as defining “waters of the United States.” Ward comes to ACWA after serving as a Water Policy Advisor with the Western Governors Association and the Western Landowners Alliance. Ward has also served as an attorney in private firms and corporations and currently manages the Fiddler Creek Ranch in Fishtail, MT. Ward holds a J.D. and Masters of Natural Resources and Environmental Law and Policy from the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, as well as a B.A. in Environmental Studies from Denison University.
Favorite body of water: West Rosebud Creek, Montana
Email: wscott@acwa-us.org
Alexys Bailey
Environmental Analyst
Alexys “Lexy” Bailey joined ACWA in January 2023 as the Member Services Associate. She supports the mission of ACWA by aiding in the development and implementation of ACWA’s meetings and workshops, managing membership software, and overall support of staff, Directors, and leadership. Lexy received her B.A. in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from George Mason University and is an alumni of the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation.
Favorite body of water: Pigg River, Franklin County, Virginia
Email: abailey@acwa-us.org
Phone: 202-340-8835