ACWA association members lead the way in creating and realizing a vision for clean water in America.
The Focus Areas can help you find letters, reports, presentations, tools, and other related products associated with our clean water efforts.
Legislation, Regulation and Litigation
ACWA brings together environmental legal practitioners from the public and private sectors with state water quality program staff to discuss and share information on the latest Clean Water Act (CWA) litigation and regulatory developments.
Monitoring, Standards and Assessment
ACWA encourages discussion and share information on the latest developments in the water quality standards arena, including draft water quality criteria and technical and policy guidance documents under development by EPA’s Office of Science & Technology.
Nutrients Policy
Reduction of nutrient impairments to our nation’s waters is a top priority for states and interstates. ACWA has a long history of working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on strategies to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus loadings to waterbodies.
Permitting, Compliance and Enforcement
ACWA’s Permitting & Compliance Committee focuses on all of the issues associated with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) including performance measures, effluent guidelines, permitting, compliance, enforcement and data management.
Watersheds, TMDLs and Nonpoint Sources
ACWA’s work on watershed management, TMDLs, and nonpoint source pollution fosters state-to-state and state-EPA information sharing, advancing state water quality initiatives and EPA §303(d) and §319 program goals.